Understanding Politics
Martin L. Cowen III
Politics is a “civilized”
substitute for war. The goal of war is, very frequently, to acquire the property
of others—territory, money, and natural resources, including human workers, i.e.
slaves. Commonly, countries engaging in war will cloak
the reason for the war (the theft of property) with a plausible and
appealing rationale, usually a humanitarian motive. Compare, for example,
the 1994 Rwanda genocide in which the United States did not intervene
with the 2011 Libyan intervention. In Rwanda, Hutu thugs killed between 800,000
and 1 million Tutsis. The United States had no economic motive in Rwanda and,
therefore, did not get involved, though humanitarian considerations were present
in the extreme. The fact of Rwanda undermines the humanitarian motive claimed
for the Libyan intervention in 2011: “to prevent attacks on civilians” during
the Libyan Civil War ending with the death of Muammar Gadhafi in September 2011.
The true reasons for war are often a complex mixture of power, pride, and property.
Rarely is the humanitarian motive more than just a cover story.
The same is true for
the “civilized” substitute for war, politics. The goal of politics is to acquire
the property of others. The only difference between politics and war is one of
means—in politics people are not usually killed. All other tools of war are
used in politics. The word “civilized” is within quotes precisely because,
while killing is not a usual tool of politics, spying, lying, personal attacks,
family attacks and bribery are. None of the tools of politics—spying, lying, personal
attacks, family attack and bribery—is a civilized method.
The Elements of Politics
The Elements of
Politics are the Education System, the News Media, Madison Avenue (advertising),
Government Agencies, Public and Private Interest Agencies, Unions and Corporations.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower long ago (his farewell address on January 17,
1961) warned us about the now infamous military-industrial complex. The People
are not an element of politics. The People are the object of political action.
In democracies, political outcomes must be sanctioned by the People so the Elements
of Politics all act with the view to persuade the People to sanction the
hoped-for outcome.
Perhaps the most
important fact for understanding politics is the realization that the individual
has a very short lifespan when compared with the Elements of Politics— the Education
System, the News Media, Madison Avenue (advertising), Government Agencies, Public
and Private Interest Agencies, Unions and Corporations. The individual’s
political lifespan is even shorter than her actual life. An individual is
interested in politics only rarely and then only for a matter of hours or days.
The interest of an individual in politics does not arise usually until
adulthood and often in middle or late adulthood. The average young person these
days does not know the structure of American government or the name of the Vice
President of the United States, much less the names of his Senators and
Representatives, assuming he knows what a Senator or Representative is.
The Elements of
Politics—the Education System, the News Media, Madison Avenue (advertising), Government
Agencies, Public and Private Interest Agencies, Unions and Corporations—live
for decades or centuries. Their interest in politics is a part of their eternal
functioning. As an individual human being has a liver, the Elements of Politics
have political organs that never cease to function, day in-day out, year in-year
out, decade in-decade out. The Elements of Politics are persistent and relentless.
An individual opponent of the interests of an Element of Politics—in the rare circumstance
of her existence—might last a few years in the field of political combat,
unsupported, unheard, unknown. The Elements of Politics probably never even
notice her. Consider the impact of one’s letter to her United States Senator:
Illustrations of Political Action
The following are illustrations
of political action:
Recently a Libertarian
candidate in the Virginia governor race took 6.52% of the vote. The Democrat
won in a surprisingly close race. The Republican Party, in an effort to
discredit the candidate and his party, announced that the Libertarian was
funded by a Democrat. (That’s bad, supposedly.) This incident is an example of personal
attack, mentioned above as one of the tools of politics. The Republican
Party, which is at risk of a Libertarian invasion, is strongly interested in
destroying the Libertarians. A civilized person might suppose that engagement
on the level of the ideas—Libertarian ideas versus Republican ideas—might be
the appropriate field of combat. But political warriors are not interested in
abstract political ideas. They are interested in their outcomes (property
acquisition) at any cost, short of murder (usually).
The idea of the Minimum
Wage has widespread traction in American society. There is no program that is
more thoroughly discredited by economics. Why then does the idea enjoy support
among the People? The reason is that those interested in the idea
(mostly Unions, Corporations, and elected officials) have taken over the Education
System and the News Media (two Elements of Politics) which Elements
have the most influence on the People. Economics is not a subject that is
taught by the Education System on the whole and for the most part. That which
is taught is the “economics” of envy by Karl Marx. The People have much less
information about economics than they have about the political system of the
United States. Other Elements of Politics are interested in the Minimum Wage,
too. Corporations are interested in the Minimum Wage because it provides an
economic barrier to competition by would-be entrepreneurs. Established business
can pay their employees more than potential start-up competitors. Unions
are interested in the Minimum Wage because it provides upward pressure for
union wages and forbids the employment of all persons who are not worth (as
employees) at least the Minimum Wage. The legal reduction of supply of labor caused
by the Minimum Wage puts upward pressure on wages of those remaining in the
work force to the benefit of the Unions and their members. Elected officials
are interested in supporting the Minimum Wage because they are seen as benefactors
of “the little guy” who would be earning $7.00 per hour but for the Minimum
Wage of $7.25 per hour. The person whose services are not worth the Minimum
Wage remains unemployed. The job that is worth less than the Minimum Wage goes
unfilled. The would-be employer, who will now have to perform the job he would
have hired out, is unable to employ his own labor in work that is more
productive. The Minimum Wage is an unmitigated economic disaster that the People
cannot see because they have been trained by the Education System. Black
teenage unemployment in June 2013 was 41.6% because of the Minimum Wage.
As another example of personal
attack (political tool), consider the Democratic attacks upon Herman Cain
during the 2012 Presidential election. After he withdrew from the race, the
attack was discontinued. Consider that Dr. Ben Carson, who criticized ObamaCare
while the President was on the podium, received a call from the Internal
Revenue Service for an audit shortly thereafter. Chicago politics.
A type of attack that
is not so-often seen, but is nevertheless frequent, is the family attack.
A potential opponent might avoid running against a politician or an idea for
fear that her spouse or children might be attacked in their own office. For
example, a potential opponent with a spouse in an appointed position might
refrain from political action for fear that the spouse would lose his job. The
Representative in power need merely call the Governor and ask the Governor
to remove (or not appoint) the husband of the potential opponent. Happens all the
“How do you know when a politician is lying? His lips are moving.” “If you like
your plan, you can keep your plan. Period.” Enough said.
Watergate and NSA are vivid examples.
Political contributions and tips about good investments are examples.
Rarely is intellectual
argument used face-to-face in politics. First of all, most politicians are not equipped
to argue. Second, there is a right and a wrong in every argument. The
politician who is wrong will not engage in the public argument lest his wrongness
be exposed. Note that most politicians either do not care that they are wrong
or have hidden the knowledge from themselves. Thus, personal attack is
the most used political tool.
Following are some examples
of the operation of the Elements of Politics:
The Education System is
controlled by politicians either by boards of education and regulations (e.g. Common
Core) in the case of primary and secondary education or by regulation and bribery
(e.g. grants and targeted funding) in the case of higher education. No grant
money, for example, will ever be issued to explore any facts that might oppose Climate
The News Media is occupied by people who were educated by the Education System, thus their ideas are frequently in lockstep with their learning. The News Media desires access to power and access to power is conditioned upon communicating the politically correct message. The News Media is subject to Government oversight. The News Media exists to sell soap. One will rarely see an article or report questioning the value of mandatory vaccines, even when the report is simple, true facts. Pharmaceutical companies forbid such stories. The advertising department of the News Media will receive immediate and forceful push back from Madison Avenue (advertising) and the Corporation who support the operation of the News Media in cases of off-message reporting.
Large Corporations
employ lobbyists to engage in rent seeking. Rent seeking is the practice of manipulating
political tools in order to obtain economic benefits for the Corporation. Among
the benefits sought are regulations that make it difficult or impossible for
competitors to compete with the Corporation (complex rules are easier for a
large, established corporation to navigate, than for a startup), tariffs (cane
sugar) or fees that increase the price of the product of the competition (usually
foreign) to the benefit of the Corporation, outright legal monopolies for
services or products (electric utilities, for example), building or structures
(stadiums for baseball teams, for example) for the Corporation, subsidies (farm
subsidies, ethanol subsidies), regulations forbidding certain competing
products (Thomas Edison’s light bulb is outlawed in favor of the mercury-laden,
and more expensive, compact fluorescent bulb). To accomplish rent seeking, the
Corporation makes payments to all other Elements of Politics: the Education
System, Madison Avenue (advertising), Government Agencies, Public and Private
Interest Agencies, Unions and other Corporations.
Government Agencies,
like any living organism, have a survival instinct. Can anyone name any Government
Agency or program that has ever been discontinued? The Transportation Security
Agency, created after 9-11, is metastasizing even as we write. In practice, there
is no end to expanding Government Agencies.
Public and Private
Interest Agencies exist to seek rent for their principals. The United States
Chamber of Commerce, for example, lobbies the United State Government to obtain
Government benefits for its members.
Unions are notorious
for their rent seeking activities. The Holy Grail of Unions is the abolition of
Right to Work laws. Unions cannot effectively compete against a non-unionized
labor force and therefore seek to have the Government deny people the right to
work outside union participation.
What to do?
Is civilized behavior possible? Is reasoned debate possible?
Those of us who abhor
war and politics need a method to retain our Freedom. The first thing to do,
though, is to define Freedom. Freedom is the societal condition in which property
is protected by the rule of law. Property means the rights to life, liberty,
the pursuit of happiness, and the product of your own labor and trade,
including gifts of property from others who obtained that property as the
product of her own labor and trade or by gift. Freedom is not the right to
vote. The right to vote is merely a (not very effective) method for retaining Freedom.
The right to vote is not, in itself, Freedom. The reason that voting is not very effective is
that the People are mostly manipulated by the Elements of Politics, all of whom
are rent seeking.
The destruction of Freedom
via democracy was first formulated by French Philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau
(1712-1778). He is the first person to articulate the pernicious conception
that Freedom is conformity with the General Will. This idea, blessedly, did not
find its way into American culture until after our founding in 1776, but the idea has
come to America now and it is the root of our destruction. The People of
America roughly believe that if the People vote for it, it is good and that
conformity with the General Will, thus expressed, is Freedom. The People vote as the Elements of Politics instruct and the Elements of Politics are all rent seekers.
Therefore, when the
People vote for the Minimum Wage, for example, it is good according to the
People and compliance with the Minimum Wage law is Freedom according to Rousseau's widely accepted view.
Because we who know the
concept of Freedom have short natural lives and even shorter political lives, we
need an eternal organization, a Freedom Party, that will speak for Freedom eternally.
If we do not push back, the rent seekers will deprive us of all our property
and we will become a Totalitarian State. We are very close to a Totalitarian
State now.
What does an eternal
organization for a Freedom loving people do?
In response to the
Education System, the Freedom Party educates the People after they escape
the Education System. The Freedom Party advocates for a complete separation of
State and Education so that parents can choose to have their children educated
for Freedom. Such an education used to be called and will be again called a
Liberal Education.
In response to the News
Media, the Freedom Party will have to point out their lies and their biases.
The People need to learn about Cui Bono,
a Latin phrase meaning “to whose benefit.” We often say: “Follow the money.”
Again, education is the key.
In response to Madison
Avenue (advertising), again education is the key. Mentioned above is the
compact florescent light (CFL) bulb. The reason for this bulb is the fact the General
Electric (a major corporate rent seeker) engaged the Congress to outlaw Thomas
Edison’s incandescent light bulb. GE can sell a CFL for $13.97
(Home Depot web site) while the incandescent blub can be had for $3.97 for a six pack ($0.66
per bulb). Wow! Now that is effective rent seeking. The Freedom Party will have
to point out the reason for legislation as distinguished from the rationale.
In the case of CFLs the reason is corporate profits, the rationale is
long-range energy savings, while ignoring the environmental impact of mercury
(which the CFLs contain). The EPA has a three page PDF report on what to do if
you break as CFL. See: http://www2.epa.gov/cfl/cleaning-broken-cfl. The concept of the individual's right to choose CFL or incandescent is completely missing in the debate.
In response to
Government Agencies, education. Continue to expose (a perennially popular sport) the wide-spread waste,
fraud and abuse that are endemic to Government. Let the People see that the Government's stated rationales are always pretextual and that their true reasons are vicious
and anti-freedom. The reason for the Transportation Security Agency (TSA), often called Security Theater because they only provide the illusion of security, is to remove the cost of security from the airlines. Of course, the Government loves to expand its power so the Government is more than happy to gratify the airlines desire to improve their bottom lines. The goal of Government Agencies is always and necessarily total control: a
Totalitarian State.
In response to Public
and Private Interest Agencies, education. Expose Cui Bono, who benefits and who pays. Same thing with Unions and
The final method of the
Freedom Party is to teach the People philosophy and history. Even a cursory
knowledge of both is enough to expose the rent seekers for who and what they
What a Freedom Party
should not do is to use the tools of the Elements of Politics: spying, lying, personal
attacks, family attack and bribery. Reason is the proper tool of the Freedom Party. We cannot be uncivilized
and achieve our goal of civilization. Reason and education in philosophy,
history, and economics. That’s the ticket!
I have hope.
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